The Best Spirit Ashes In Elden Ring

In Elden Ring, Spirit Ashes can summon creatures as allies during fights. There are roughly 64 Spirit Ashes in Elden Ring, so it may be challenging to determine which ones are worth using. This article offers information on the top 5 Spirit Ashes in the game, including their locations and why they are considered powerful.

Mimic Tear

Mimic Tear Spirit Ash duplicates your player character created during the summoning process. It can be an adaptable ally, as it can be tailored to your specific requirements before heading into combat.

Mimic Tear


You can find Mimic Tear in Night’s Sacred Ground by opening a chest behind an Imp Statue. This area is underground and can be accessed from Nokron, Eternal City. Go to the Ancestral Woods Site of Grace and jump to the southwest rooftop to get there. Go in a southwest direction along the rooftops until you reach the Silver Tear enemies.

Then, keep going northwest until you come across a courtyard with a vast skeleton woman sitting on a throne on the northeast side. After that, walk along the crumbling path ahead of you and drop through the window. To proceed, go left until you find an Imp Statue, then use a Stonesword Key to defeat the enemy inside and collect the Mimic Tear Ashes before moving on to the next platform.

How to use

How you choose to utilize Mimic Tear largely depends on your preferred gameplay style. For instance, if you are a spellcaster with low Vigor, you can wear your most resilient armor and utilize Mimic Tear as a shield against damage. On the other hand, if you usually fight in close combat, you should set up your Mimic Tear as a ranged fighter to increase your damage output.

Mimic Tear is unique among the Spirit Ashes because it doesn’t consume FP. However, it does require a fixed amount of HP to summon. We advise you to have a healing plan in place immediately after summoning.

When you summon Mimic Tear, it has unlimited ammo and FP, making it a great choice because it will never run out of resources. It is important to remember that Mimic Tear also utilizes the currently equipped consumables. This includes any item that enhances abilities or consumable weapons like Crystal Darts.

Black Knife Tiche

To obtain Ashes, defeat Alecto – the Black Knife Ringleader – in the Ringleader’s Evergaol in Liurnia of the Lakes. Her daughter, Black Knife Tiche, is a valuable combat ally known for her strength and agility, especially in stealing the Rune of Death and killing Godwyn.

Black Knife Tiche


To get Tiche’s Ashes, you must first defeat Astel in the Deep Ansel Well, and this will allow you to access the Moonlight Altar plateau. Once there, head towards the northwest corner until you find an Evergaol.

How to use

Tiche is skilled and agile, just like her mother and the different Black Knife Assassins you have faced. She can serve as both a damage dealer and a tank since her quick movements create distractions for bosses. Tiche uses a Black Knife with the Blade of Death ability. This lets her fire a projectile that reduces the maximum HP of any enemies it hits, but only for a limited time.

Latenna the Albinauric

In Elden Ring, Latenna is a unique Spirit Ash who begins as an NPC you can interact with. She is also the only NPC who can become a summonable spirit at will. However, when you summon her, she cannot move independently and requires strategic placement. Nonetheless, her high DPS, like a stationary turret, is beneficial if used wisely.

Latenna the Albinauric


To get Latenna’s Ashes, you must first speak with Albus in the Village of Albinaurics in Liurnia of the Lakes. After defeating the Depraved Perfumer in that area, roll into the pot on the right side of the tomb to reveal Albus.

Once you have talked to him, he will give you the Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right). Having this medallion as a sign of Albus’ blessing is essential, as otherwise Latenna will not cooperate with you or turn herself into Spirit Ashes.

To successfully finish Latenna’s quest, you must speak to her before triggering the Grand Lift of Rold, or she will perish. Although her Spirit Ashes will still be obtainable from her remains, you won’t be able to progress her quest.

To locate Latenna in her human form, you must navigate through the Lakeside Crystal Cave on the southwest shore of Liurnia. After you promise to take her to the Haligtree, Latenna becomes a summonable Spirit Ash and willingly accompanies you.

How to use

Like other Albinauric women, Latenna cannot move freely after being summoned due to the loss of use of her legs. However, if she is summoned near Direwolves, she can tame and ride one, which will provide her with excellent agility and activate the Direwolf’s frost breathability.

Latenna can be considered a stationary turret when no Direwolves are around to summon. Although she can deal serious damage with her fast-firing arrows, her lack of mobility requires strategic placement. For field bosses, keeping the boss within her attack range is essential. In confined spaces like dungeon boss rooms, continuously drawing aggro is necessary to prevent her from being quickly defeated by the boss.

Lhutel the Headless

Lhutel the Headless is a powerful summon that resembles the enemy Mausoleum Knight. She is versatile and can cater to different playstyles, making her an excellent choice. Additionally, she becomes available earlier in the game than other Spirit Ashes on this list.

Lhutel the Headless


To get Lhutel’s Ashes, you must defeat the Cemetery Shade at the end of the Tombsward Catacombs. You can find these catacombs north of the Minor Erdtree on the Weeping Peninsula in Limgrave. Once you enter the dungeon and unlock the boss arena, defeating the Cemetery Shade will automatically give you the ashes.

How to use

Lhutel is effective both as a tank and a damage dealer due to her strong defense from heavy armor and great shield and her diverse offense using both ranged and melee attacks.

She is instrumental when fighting bosses in pairs or large groups of enemies because she can occasionally teleport, which helps her avoid being surrounded. Lhutel doesn’t deal much damage, and her teleportation causes enemies to stop targeting her. Remember that she may not be the best choice if you need a tank to distract enemies.

Greatshield Soldiers

Using the Greatshield Soldiers Ashes will summon five Greatshield Soldier spirits to assist you. These spirits have a strong defense and are ideal for players who want to draw enemy attention away from themselves, mainly if they are spellcasters or have low defense.

Greatshield Soldiers


You can find the Greatshield Soldiers’ Ashes in a cemetery at the southernmost point of Nokron, Eternal City. However, tough enemies, including a Fallen Hawks Soldier with a Ghostflame Torch, are on the way. While looting the ashes can be difficult, it’s a great option for those starting with a magic-heavy build.

How to use

If you’re using a magic build with low defense, Greatshield Soldiers Ashes can be useful. Though they don’t deal significant damage, they have high poise and can stagger enemies with a shield bash. This makes them reliable allies for absorbing enemy attacks while you deal damage from a distance.

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